Dark Tickle Company
Made in Newfoundland
The Dark Tickle Company is located in Griquet, on the Great Northern Peninsula in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. We manufacture jams, sauces and teas from unique wild berries. These berries, picked by hand, are carefully processed without additives resulting in a quality product that is both distinctive and delicious.
The company itself employs a relatively small number of people involved in processing. We purchase from a network of approximately 100 individual pickers covering a large area including the top half of the Great Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland, the coastal regions of southern Labrador, and northeastern Quebec. Berry picking which has been historically, and still is a strong tradition in areas such as these, is now also perhaps one step in the slow diversification of a fishery based economy.
A ‘tickle’ is a narrow salt water channel. It is also the area in Griquet where we were originally located and as represented by the picture in our labels. In our case it is 'dark' as it is surrounded by high hills.